Special Events North East

BRIEF | To design and produce a new website and improve their offline marketing materials.

RESPONSE | We approached the website by using their existing branding and produced a fully responsive website which allows users on various devices to view their offerings.
Again utilising their existing branding we reproduced their offline marketing materials which included business cards, postcard and letterhead design. Modernising to bring them in with current trends.

Moving On

BRIEF | To create a new brand, design and produce a new website and improve their offline marketing materials.

RESPONSE | The project started with the design of the new logo, a variety of logos were produced and the one you see on local marketing materials is the one which was chosen
We approached the website by using the new branding and produced a fully responsive website which optimises for users on various devices.
Again utilising their new branding we produced their offline marketing materials which included business cards, leaflet design, bus shelter campaigns and letterhead design.

Changing Futures

BRIEF | To create a new brand, design and produce a new website and improve their offline marketing materials.

RESPONSE | The project started with the design of the new logo, a variety of logos were produced and the one you see on local marketing materials is the one which was chosen
We approached the website by using the new branding and produced a fully responsive website which optimises for users on various devices.
Again utilising their new branding we produced their offline marketing materials which included business cards, leaflet design and letterhead design.

Cloud Employee

BRIEF | To create a new brand, design and produce a new website and improve their offline marketing materials.

RESPONSE | The project started with the design of the new logo, a variety of logos were produced to fit with their chosen target market both online and offline.
The website was designed but not built by us, they used their own internal developers to develop the website.
Graphic Design work included business cards, brochure design, pull-up stand design and email newsletter design.

A Way Of Life

BRIEF | To design and produce a new website for A Way of Life who offer bikes and biking accessories from their Canary Wharf offices in London. Branding work was also required for this new company.

RESPONSE | We designed and developed their new branding to target a young, modern and city based market. The logo is vibrant and includes various colour variations to match some of their core services.
This is also present on their e-commerce website that we hope to have launched very soon.